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Creación de espacios de aprendizaje y enseñanza para la investigación transformadora y transdisciplinar: el Laboratorio de Innovación Transformadora

dc.contributor.authorWanner, Matthias
dc.contributor.authorBernert, Philip
dc.contributor.authorFischer, Nele
dc.contributor.authorSchmitt, Martina
dc.creatorWanner, Matthias
dc.descriptionMATTHIAS WANNER. Psychologist and social scientist who works at the Wuppertal Institute. His research focuses on sustainable social practices in the fields of urban development, learning, education, participation, and art in transdisciplinary and transformative real-world laboratories environments. -- PHILIP BERNERT. Graduated from the University of Leuphana in Lüneburg with a degree in Sustainability Science. His research focuses on real-world laboratories and transdisciplinary sustainability research. He is a facilitator of transdiscipinary projects on sustainable transformations in local economies. -- NELE FISCHER. Has a training in media studies and futures studies. She currently works as a researcher at the Ethics Lab of the Technical University of Berlin and teaches critical and participatory approaches in futures studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. She also works as a freelancer to support organizational change. -- MARTINA SCHMITT. Graduated in Social Sciences and has been working at the Wuppertal Institute since 2003. Her main fields of work are education for sustainable development, concepts for transformative learning, and the development of teaching and learning materials.
dc.description.abstractFor achieving a transition towards sustainable development, central importance is attached to science and education, and especially higher education. Suitable formats are needed for empowering students to perform transformative research. On the basis of transdisciplinary and transformative real-world laboratory research and futures studies, we develop encompassing learning and teaching module: the Transformative Innovation Lab (TIL). The lab builds on insights into five key competencies and three types of knowledge needed for developing socially robust sustainability innovations. In this paper, the main features of this experiential and reflexive format are presented and linked to a handbook for facilitating the lab. Central learnings for implementing the format in existing study programmes from two test runs at two German universities are shared and discussed.
dc.description.abstractPara lograr una transición hacia el desarrollo sostenible son fundamentales la ciencia y la educación, especialmente la educación superior. Se necesitan formatos educativos para capacitar a los estudiantes en la realización de investigaciones transformadoras. Con base en la investigación transdisciplinaria y transformadora en laboratorios del mundo real y estudios del futuro, desarrollamos un módulo de aprendizaje y enseñanza integral: el Laboratorio de Innovación Transformadora (LIT). El laboratorio desarrolla cinco competencias clave y tres tipos de conocimiento necesarios para desarrollar innovaciones en sostenibilidad socialmente robustas. En este artículo se presentan las principales características de este formato vivencial y reflexivo, además de un manual para facilitar el laboratorio. También se comparten y discuten los aprendizajes centrales de la implementación de este formato en programas de estudio existentes a partir de dos pruebas realizadas en dos universidades alemanas.
dc.publisherUniversidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México
dc.rights©2021 Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C. DIDAC. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND.
dc.sourceDidac (ISSN: 0185-387),Núm. 78 (Jul-Dic, 2021), pp. 49-59
dc.subjectEducation for sustainable development
dc.subjectTransformative research
dc.subjectReal-world laboratories
dc.subjectFutures studies
dc.subjectKey competencies for sustainability
dc.subjectEducación para el desarrollo sostenible
dc.subjectInvestigación transformadora
dc.subjectLaboratorios del mundo real
dc.subjectEstudios del futuro
dc.subjectCompetencias clave para la sostenibilidad
dc.titleCreating Learning and Teaching Spaces for Transformative and Transdisciplinary Research: The Transformative Innovation Lab
dc.titleCreación de espacios de aprendizaje y enseñanza para la investigación transformadora y transdisciplinar: el Laboratorio de Innovación Transformadora

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©2021 Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C. DIDAC. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND.
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