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dc.contributor.authorDamazio, Vera
dc.contributor.authorPina, Fernanda
dc.contributor.authorNogueira, Sílvia
dc.contributor.authorCeccon Salarini da Rosa, Marilia
dc.creatorDamazio, Vera
dc.descriptionVERA DAMAZIO Profesora e Investigadora Dr. Vera Damazio is a professor and a researcher at the Department of Art & Design at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio (Brazil) since 1987, where she teaches courses and works closely with graduate and undergra-duate students.She also founded (1999) and coordinates the Design, Memory and Emotion Research Laboratory (labmemo), an interdisciplinary research group dedicated to the development of products focusing on promoting responsible social conduct and the collective good. She organized the book “Design Ergonomia Emoção”, one of the first books on “emotional design” published in Brazil (2006).Ph.D. in Social Sciences (State University of Rio de Janeiro), MFA in Graphic Design (Boston University) and Bachelor in Industrial Design and Visual Communication (PUC-Rio). -- FERNANDA PINA Estudiante de doctorado Student of PhD in Social Design (PUC-Rio), Master in Business Administration (PUC-Rio, 2015), graduated in Business Administration (PUC-Rio, 2010), member of the Laboratory of Applied Research in Design, Memory and Emotion of PUC-Rio and organizer of the University Extension Program “PUC-Rio mais de 50”. Her research focus on the development of solutions for expansion of actions within the university space aimed at people over 50, using methods of Ethnographic Design and Design thinking. She developed 16 years of professional experience in the areas of Academic Management and Marketing with emphasis on Continuing Education. She teaches in extension courses that focus on Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. -- SÍLVIA NOGUEIRA Diseñadora de Producción, Maestra en Diseño Master in Design (PUC-Rio, 2015), graduated in Advertising, member of the Laboratory of Applied Research in Design, Memory and Emotion of PUC-Rio and co-creator of the University Extension Program “PUC-Rio mais de 50”. Her research focus on the relation between Material Culture, Production Design and Aging, using methods of Ethnographic Design. She has a diversified experience in the fields of Communication and Design, having worked as Production Designer of tv Globo.Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ -- MARÍLIA CECCON SALARINI DA ROSA Designer e aluna de doutorado em Arquitetura Doutoranda em Arquitetura na UFRJ, onde realiza uma investigação sobre a afetividade e o significado da casa para os maiores de 60 anos, utilizando o método Etnotopográfico com orientação da professora Cristiane Rose Duarte. Também atua como bolsista no núcleo Pro-Acesso coordenado por Cristiane Rose Duarte. Mestre em Design pela PUC-Rio (2015), onde participa de pesquisa no campo do Design Emocional & Envelhecimento com foco na promoção da saúde, levantando demandas da crescente população acima dos 60 anos no Laboratório de Design Memória e Emoção na PUC-Rio. Atua, também, como colaborada do Projeto PUC mais de 50, com a função de coordenadora técnica. É graduada em desenho Industrial, com habilitação em projeto de produto, na PUC-Rio (2011). Foi aluna de iniciação ientífica do Laboratório Design, Memória e Emoção, com orientação da professora coordenadora Vera Maria Marsicano Damazio (2008).
dc.description.abstractEarth’s population is ageing, living longer and bringing new challenges to the area of Design. This article presents findings from a study conducted among elderly people over 60 years of age and designed to identify demands of emotional nature and to generate ideas for products and services (Ceccon, 2015; Nogueira, 2015). It presents six perspectives of emotional design aimed at benefitting healthy ageing: (1) identity assertion; (2) renewing sociability; (3) revitalizing citizenship; (4) well-being; (5) self-care and (6) humor. It also present the service design prototype, “puc-Rio Over-50”.
dc.description.abstractLa población de la tierra cada vez es más longeva, esto ha establecido grandes desafíos para el área del diseño. En el siguiente artículo se presenta los hallazgos realizados en un estudió, con una población de personas mayores de 60 años, para poder identificar las demandas de la naturaliza emocional y así poder generar ideas de productos y servicios (CECCON, 2015; Nogueira, 2015). Se explican seis diferentes perspectivas del diseño emocional, enfocadas para el beneficio de envejecer de una forma sana: (1) identidad asertiva; (2) renovación social; (3) revitalizar la ciudadanía; (4) bienestar; (5) autocuidado y (6) humor. Por último, se describe el prototipo del servicio del diseño, “PUC-Rio Over-50”.
dc.publisherUniversidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, Departamento de Diseño
dc.rights©2017 Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C. DIS. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND.
dc.sourceDIS (ISSN: 2594-2336), Vol 1, Núm. 1 (2017), julio - diciembre, pp. 1-8
dc.subjectEmotional design
dc.subjectService design
dc.subjectHealthy ageing
dc.subjectContinued education
dc.subjectDiseño emocional
dc.subjectEl servicio del diseño
dc.subjectEnvejecer de forma saludable
dc.subjectEducación continua
dc.titleEmotional design for Over-60s: contributions for longer and better living

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©2017 Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C. DIS. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND.
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como ©2017 Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C. DIS. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND.