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Pluralización de perspectivas sobre cultura material un ensayo sobre etnografía y el mondo de las cosas

dc.contributor.authorMüller, Francis
dc.creatorMüller, Francis
dc.descriptionFrancis Müller. Contracted Professor Francis Müller is a lecturer of ethnography and sociology in the field “Trends & Identity” in the Department Design at Zurich University of the Arts. He also holds lectureships in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University St. Gallen (HSG). He lectured a summer school about ethnographic research at Iberoamericana in Mexico City in 2014. Since 2018 he is a visiting professor at the University Pontificia Valparaíso in Chile. He has conducted ethnographic research on a broad range of topics, including religious conversion, land mine victims in Angola, virtual identity construction, mental health in digital spheres. He published four books; his book “Design Ethnography” Will be published in English in 2020.
dc.description.abstractThe article proceeds from the premise that people are socialized into a man-made world shaped by people, which always already possesses a material dimension. It focuses on material culture and the world of things with which we are intricately bound in our everyday lives. The thesis posits that in our handling of things, we have incorporated implicit knowledge of our practices that in the context of design research should be made explicit. Only when we engage with things more intensively does their complexity emerge. Things have conditions for existence, material qualities, functions, and meanings that are ascribed to them, which change and are culturally variable. They are enmeshed with human identities and interactions. To investigate material culture ethnographically requires artificially estranging oneself from it – for instance by using participatory research methods.
dc.description.abstractEl artículo parte de la premisa de que las personas se socializan en un mundo creado por el hombre formado por personas, que siempre posee una dimensión material. Se centra en la cultura material y el mundo de las cosas con las que estamos intrincadamente vinculados en nuestra vida cotidiana. La tesis plantea que, en nuestro manejo de las cosas, hemos incorporado un conocimiento implícito de nuestras prácticas que en el contexto de la investigación de diseño debe hacerse explícito. Solo cuando nos involucramos con las cosas con mayor intensidad emerge su complejidad. Las cosas tienen condiciones de existencia, cualidades materiales, funciones y significados que se les atribuyen, que cambian y son culturalmente variables. Están enredados con identidades e interacciones humanas. Investigar la cultura material etnográficamente requiere distanciarse artificialmente de ella, por ejemplo, utilizando métodos de investigación participativa.
dc.publisherUniversidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, Departamento de Diseño
dc.rights©2019 Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C. DIS. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND.
dc.sourceDIS (ISSN: 2594-2336), Vol 3, Núm. 4 (2019), enero - junio, pp. 41-62
dc.subjectBlind spot
dc.subjectDesign ethnography
dc.subjectMaterial culture
dc.subjectPunto ciego
dc.subjectEtnografía de diseño
dc.subjectCultura material
dc.titlePluralizing perspectives on material culture an essay on design ethnography and the world of thing
dc.titlePluralización de perspectivas sobre cultura material un ensayo sobre etnografía y el mondo de las cosas

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©2019 Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C. DIS. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND.
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